How to Travel Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Travel Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As flights from the US are being restored to a number of countries around the world, you may be noticing people traveling more. Nonetheless, you might be wondering whether it is safe to fly to a certain destination. And in case this question is not bothering you the most, you might ask yourself how do you arrange a trip so you minimize the chances to get infected.

The Airflyby Team is always by your side to provide you with useful tips related to travel. This time, we aim at giving you substantial info and reliable advice on how to set up safe travel during the global pandemic.

Before you fly

No matter if you are afraid of contracting the virus or not at your destination, you have to have a plan. One of the most important things you have to take into consideration is whether or not you’ll have to provide a negative test result for Covid-19 and/or you’ll have to stay in quarantine.

Most countries require travelers to prove that they are not infected at the moment of their travel. Therefore, local authorities impose mandatory Covid-19 tests that have to be taken within 72-96 hours prior to the flight. The certificate has to indicate that you don’t have the virus, and it should be presented by a certified laboratory.

Make sure you know the regulations and restrictions not only of a certain country but also of a city within it since these might differ for every location. These regulations and restrictions are represented but are not limited to testing, 14-day quarantine, number of people allowed to gather, and/or regulation to stay home. In case you disobey to follow the imposed regulations, you might find yourself paying a substantial penalty. Hence, we advise you to get informed on the local regulations and restrictions before you travel.

Regulations regarding the prevention of Covid-19 spread surely depend on the destination, but you’d also want to be certain you follow the ones back at home when you return. So, stay updated during your trip on the travel restriction in the state you’d be returning to.

We also have to suggest you make a plan in case you get infected. Thus, keep track of the epidemiological situation at the destination. If the number of positive Covid-19 cases sees a progression, you might get infected, and therefore you’ll have to stay there a longer period of time. It is essential to prepare enough financial resources for that matter or others like border closure, flight cancellation, or any other unforeseen events related to the world pandemic. Insurance that covers Covid-19 might also be handy.

On-ground and In-flight

You might be worry-free about flight security (unless you have to sit near an infected person) as air trips are considered to be safe. You have the HEPA filters aboard to filter the air you breathe in. These filters are also used in medical and especially in surgical rooms as they are capable of restraining about 99,7% of airborne microbes.

On planes, air circulates vertically from the ceiling to the floor and it is refreshed every 2-3 minutes. Additionally, the entire cabin is disinfected with special surfactants after each flight. Some air carriers went further with safety measures to leave empty seats on their planes in order to maintain the distance between passengers.

The biggest issue in providing extreme safety for all travelers consists of the inability to impose social distancing when getting to the airport, checking in, going through security checkpoints, and performing other procedures at the airport that implies staying around large masses of passengers. No matter how efficiently air carriers and airport administrators secure flights and airport procedures, the more you stay with infected travelers, the greater the chances to get the virus.

Therefore, we advise you to take care about your safety on your own:

  • Get informed on each airline’s regulations you’ll be traveling with. You can find all the info (including the one related to the provided protective measures) on their official websites.
  • Check-in online to avoid crowds at the airport.
  • Limit the number of contacts with people on your way to/from the airport. Take a taxi or drive on your own and leave the car in the parking lot. If taking public transportation, keep social distancing.
  • Make it to the airport without any accompaniment.
  • Avoid flying out during holidays and on weekends.
  • Try not to touch anything in transport and at the airport. If you have to, wear gloves and remove them after that.
  • Try to pay without cash. Use your phone, smartwatch, credit/debit cards instead.
  • Don’t ignore notices related to safety measures around the airport.
  • On-board, make sure to leave the newspaper and magazines alone. Some air carriers even removed them from the plane.
  • We know it is already a banality, but we have to repeat it one more time: Please wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizers and avoid touching your face with unsanitized hands.

At the Hotel

So you made it to the place of accommodation, and supposedly, it is your hotel. ‘What’s next?’, you’d think. Here are our suggestions on how to protect yourself when staying at a hotel:

  • Check on the hotel’s website the safety measures they apply. You can also read on the web the latest reviews.
  • Some hotels changed their approach to breakfasts. If earlier most of them provided it as a buffet, now, breakfasts are provided in-room. Check how your hotel provides breakfasts.
  • Book and pay for your stay online if possible.
  • In public spaces, use your face covering.
  • Spend the minimum amount of time in public spaces like pools, game rooms, fitness centers, etc.
  • If you can, avoid using the elevator or get only on empty ones.
  • If you worry about the safety of your room, you can sanitize it by yourself with antibacterial wipes and sanitizers. Pay special attention to surfaces you touch the most.

Unfortunately, the world outbreak has ruined many plans and has definitely impacted our lives a lot. Nonetheless, we have to get accustomed to it, and what’s most important, we (you and us) have to ensure everyone is secure. Traveling implies a lot of risks and the last thing you’d want is to get infected or to infect someone else.

Therefore, please comply with the existing regulations and restrictions that are aimed at stopping the spread of Covid-19. Go get tested, sustain your health, self-isolate, be prudent. At least that’s the bare minimum we can do. The Airflyby Team wishes you good health, and stay safe whether or not you choose to travel.